BioBizz Acti-Vera is a quality liquid bio-stimulant that helps to increase both the overall health and productivity of plants. It is made from fermented plant extracts as well as natural minerals and vitamins, and is designed to be used in both indoor and outdoor growing environments.
The rich blend of plant extracts helps to create an optimal growing environment for plants, with increased nutrient uptake, improved root development, and increased protection against environmental stressors. BioBizz Acti-Vera contains beneficial trace elements and minerals that are essential for healthy plant growth and development. By helping to enhance the overall health of the plant, BioBizz Acti-Vera helps to promote bigger, more vibrant yields of produce.
It is easy to use, as it can be used either as a foliar spray or as a soil drench. BioBizz Acti-Vera is an ideal choice for growers and farmers looking for a natural way to promote healthy plant growth and increased yields.